PTO Meeting on 9/11
Come join us Monday morning at 8:45 am to see the latest going on with PTO! The Parent Teacher Organization is a great way to get involved to help raise money for different efforts that benefit our students. PTO will be providing muffins and pastries. See you there! Back to School Night / On-Campus Students Our back-to-school night will start at 6:30 pm on September 11th. All parents are encouraged to attend to hear directly from the teachers about the latest, as well as what to expect, for this school year. Teachers will have two separate sessions in case your have multiple students with different teachers. The first session will go from 6:30 - 7:00 pm, and the second session will go from 7:05 - 7:35 pm. We will do our best to end promptly at 7:35 so that our teachers can get home and rest up before class on Tuesday. Back-to-school night is set up for parents only, so please do not bring your students. This allows the parents and teachers to focus on the information being presented without distractions. Important Dates Coming Up September 11th - Mobile Library (On Campus Students) The Placer County Mobile Library will be on campus for students from 1 - 3 pm. The Mobile Library will bring reading materials for students to check out, ranging from reading levels from K - 8, and our classes will take trips to the library throughout the afternoon. Students will need a library card to check out books. If you need a library card, here is an application. (Note: It's a much faster process to bring this to your local Placer County Library than it is for the mobile library to do it). Teachers will keep a card on file for the students (ideally one of the small key ring cards). September 13th - Treetop Adventure Field Trip (Home Study Students) Spend the morning meeting other HRCCS Home Study families while climbing and soaring through the trees. Arrive at 9:15 am. After harnessing up you will get a brief training, and then be on the course from 9:30 am-12:30 pm. Parents, students, and siblings are welcome to join in the fun! For more information, including how to sign up, visit the Home Study Parent Portal here. September 14th - Treetop Adventure Field Trip (All Students/On-Campus Students). Join HRCCS for a day of team building and ropes course adventures! Spend the morning climbing and soaring through the trees from 9:00 am-12:00 pm. The exact start and end times will be slightly staggered by grade level. Parents are welcome to join in the fun! Bring a lunch to picnic afterward. K-4 will be done by 12:00, but you are welcome to stay and play. This is a PTO-organized event, and parents are responsible for transporting and supervising their children. The cost for the K-4 session is $35 for students, $45 for adults. Students in grades 5-8 will participate in team-building activities from 9:30-11:30 pm. They will return for a picnic lunch and then soar through the trees from 12:30-3:30. The exact start and end times will be slightly staggered by grade level. Parents are welcome to participate in the ropes course portion. The cost for the afternoon session is $45 for both students and adults. For more information, please click here to view the Flyer that went home on Orientation Day. Here is a link to the waiver form that must be completed to participate as well. Comments are closed.
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